Wardrobe Makeover.

I've done your colors and your style, now let's have some more fun and take a peek in your closet!


I love doing wardrobe makeovers! This is where it all comes together: your color group and your style!


Now that I’ve done your colors and you are in your perfect color group which allows your inner radiance to shine, and you know how you want to authentically express yourself through your clothing, after doing my Personal Style Narrative™, it's time to have some more fun and take a peek in your closet!

The wardrobe make over makes it easy to know which pieces of clothing and accessories to wear every time!  I show you exactly how to pull together the looks that reflect your authentic style.  In addition, I make sure that every piece of clothing is in your color, so that you always look radiant.  And, if you are missing any key pieces, I put together a comprehensive list so you know exactly what you need to buy.

No matter what your day demands, you'll LOVE the way you look every time you get dressed, once we’ve finished your wardrobe makeover!

get in touch now!

Tel: 303.704.6519 Email: colorONstyle@gmail.com

colorOnstyle 2018. All rights reserved.